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Latest News on Energy Subsidies for individuals 2024

Latest News on Energy Subsidies for individuals 2024

The subsidy program helps households get a refund for part of their electricity costs. The subsidy is provided as a reduced grid fee for consumption up to 5000 kWh per month.

Changes from September 2023

From September 2023, the support scheme is calculated hour by hour, based on the local electricity spot price in your price area on the Nord Pool power exchange. Previously, the support was calculated based on the monthly average price on the Nord Pool power exchange. When the electricity price exceeds 73 øre per kWh excluding VAT (91.25 øre/kWh including VAT), the state covers 90% of the excess cost. From January 2024, the threshold for subsidies changed from 70 øre/kWh to 73 øre/kWh excluding VAT (91.25 øre/kWh including VAT).

Do I need to do anything to get the subsidy?

No, you do not need to do anything. The compensation will be automatically deducted from your grid fee invoice as long as you are registered in the residential category (more information about categories at the bottom of this page).

0 NOK Invoice from Your Grid Owner?

In cases where the subsidy exceeds the grid fee, the invoice will show an amount of zero NOK. You do not need to do anything with this invoice; any excess amount will be paid to the original invoice account number around the due date.

Further information about the subsidy program can be found on the government’s official website. Click here for more information.

Different price ranges

We have five different price areas for electricity in Norway. The total reimbursement will depend on the average monthly electricity price in the price area where the household is located. The prices on the invoice from the grid owner are taken from the Nordic power exchange (Nord Pool) and are independent of the agreement you have with Viddakraft.

Whether you receive compensation depends on whether you are registered in the residential category in the property register. How can you check this yourself?

You can search for your property at the Norwegian Mapping Authority. Under the “Buildings” tab, you will find the industry group. You can look up your home in the property register. Under the “Buildings” tab, you will find the category.

If your property is registered in the residential (bolig) category, you do not need to do anything to receive the subsidy automatically.

If your home is registered in the holiday home (fritidsbolig) category, the following applies:

  • If you are registered at your holiday home before January 18, 2023, you can receive the subsidy with retroactive payment from September 1 2022. You must notify your grid owner yourself to receive the subsidy. If you want to add or change the account number for payment, do so through your grid owner’s customer service.
  • If you are registered after January 18, 2023, you must provide documentation of the change of use from the municipality. In such cases, the subsidy will not be retroactively paid for previous consumption.

Do you have any other questions? Maybe you can find the answers here.

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